Cultural Curriculum Audit and Re愿景 - CCAR

澳门皇家赌城在线 College’s Cultural Curriculum Audit & Re愿景 originated from Long Beach City College during a collaboration between our colleges in Spring 2021. 从那时起, 澳门皇家赌城在线 College has been developing and editing our own version of CCAR and collaborating with many along the way. During 2022年春季, 澳门皇家赌城在线 College welcomed a team of 6 from San Jose City College faculty to our cohort. 协作, 愿景, and team leadership is progressing as we plan future cohorts for the 2022-2023 academic year. 

CCAR will help you continue to cultivate an equity-minded approach to our courses through workshops and discussions.  Over a few weeks, you will work with your course success data to better understand who is in your classroom, learn how to apply Universal Design (可访问性) and Culturally Relevant Teaching practices, and build strategies to shift your approach to your students and your material.   


Fall 2023 队列

队列 夏天
广告  Aug 29 - Sept 11
First Meeting - Sept 22 9-1 pm 
2nd Meeting - Sept 29 9-1 pm
Last Meeting - Oct 6 9-1 pm

Historical Data

参与者 2022年春季 2021-2022
澳门皇家赌城在线 College 27 81
部门 Represented 17 26
Full Time 教师 13 43
Part Time 教师 14 38
San Jose Community College 教师 6 N/A