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Human Services
For Sociology see Sociology


NOTICE: 人类服务正在向社会工作和人类服务(SWHS)转变。. 欲知详情,请浏览 College Catalog.

Program Purpose: 人类服务计划旨在帮助学生对系统概念的概念性理解, 理论和技术是人类/社会服务实践的基础. 了解评估方法、治疗计划和病例管理. 同时,了解以康复为导向的行为健康服务.


Program Description: Human Services is a course of study for those interested in employment in such diverse settings as group homes and halfway houses; correctional, 发展障碍机构, and community mental health centers; family, child, 以及青少年服务机构和酗酒相关项目, drug abuse, family violence, homelessness, 老龄化或其他社会问题. 人类服务工作者的主要重点是帮助个人和社区在生活的主要领域中尽可能有效地发挥作用, advocates, grant writers, youth workers, 志愿者协调员, 人力资源专家, fundraisers, trainers, 辅助教育工作者或倡导. The Human Services AA and certificate programs are structured around interrelated components including: theoretical foundations/intervention strategies; client population/cultural diversity; research/evaluation; and skill development/field experience. 成功完成适当的课程将使学生能够继续他们的教育, 在各种社会服务机构中寻找工作,或者两者兼而有之.

人类服务专业人员为个人和家庭提供支持,因为他们通过社会服务网络来帮助有需要的个人. 课程为人类服务证书是从各种学科学科绘制.


Department Chair: Andrea Horigan
Email: ahorigan@vcccd.edu


Lead Faculty: 艾奥娜·施密特——2023年秋季休假. 请联系Andrea Horigan